Earlier this month, heavyduty collision repairers, insurers, OEM’s and vendors from across North America made their way to the Historic Hilton in downtown Fort Worth, Texas to participate at the 2nd Annual HD Repair Forum. This unique event assembles the leadership and brightest minds in the collision repair industry representing each of the various stakeholders. Brian Nessen, co-founder of the event, reported a 40% growth in attendance over last year’s event. This type of growth sends a strong message that the industry needs, and wants, to have a place to bring everyone together to network and professionally discuss the most pressing and sensitive industry issues.

Show organizers were quick to point out that the success of the HD Repair Forum is directly attributed to the contributions and commitment of its’ 15member advisory board. The advisory board is comprised of collision repair shop owners and managers who have been engaged from the onset of the program. Their leadership and knowledge was on full display during the twoday event.


The forum’s 250+ attendees were treated to two days filled with managerial and technical training classes, as well as industry-related programs. Every session provided steps to prepare for the future, which is critical as this industry evolves at an expedited pace.

A growing number of executives representing OEM truck manufacturers and insurance companies further highlighted the goal of the Forum: to bring together people and companies with the power to facilitate change. These individuals not only were in attendance and engaged with the industry, but several of them gave formal presentations or shared their knowledge and experience by participating on a panel. The energy derived from their participation confirmed that the industry has an opportunity to impact change by working together to the benefit of the vehicle or fleet owner.

Dates and location have not yet been announced for the 2020 HD Repair Forum but show organizers did state the event would be expanding and larger venues in Fort Worth were being studied to accommodate the growth.

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