The 2021 HD Repair Forum conference is set to take place Wednesday and Thursday, September 15th & 16th, 2021 in Cleveland, OH, and will be co-locating with the American Trucking Association’s Technology & Maintenance Council’s fall meetings.
The HD Repair Forum’s program will follow a similar format as in year’s past, spanning two days with presentations and panel discussions involving OEMs, insurers, and other collision industry leaders. Registration to the HD Repair Forum does require a separate registration than TMC’s registration and is now open to the public. To access registration, go to
Attendees of this collision repair focused event will gain valuable information on industry trends and insight as to how technology will redefine the industry in the future. Break-out sessions, taking place at the conclusion of day one, and in the morning hours of day two will provide attendees the opportunity to choose education on topics that best address their individual or business needs. The event’s general session and break-out sessions are geared towards executives, shop owners, managers, and company leaders.
In addition to education, another focus of the event is to provide extensive networking opportunities. Facilitating collaboration amongst all of the industry stakeholders will translate into advancing the industry at a quicker pace and the evolution of solutions to challenges experienced by everyone in the supply. All key reasons behind the event’s development and rapid success.
To register for the 2021 HD Repair Forum and gain unique access to medium and heavy-duty collision repair information and education, equipment suppliers, and networking opportunities, follow this link:
For information on equipment offerings and services available to this industry, be sure to check out our 2021 event sponsors. Additional information on the HD Repair Forum and its events can be found at
Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available, but very limited. If interested, reach out to Brian Nessen or Jennie Lenk